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VVD International Office

16. 1. 2009 - LIB

Dear mr Weiss,

In name of Mark Dijk, International Secretary of the VVD National Executive Board, I would like to send you this message of support in the initiative developed by your party Liberals.CZ to participate in the European Parliament Elections in June 2009.

It is very important that Liberals are represented in all Members-states of the European Union, liberalism is the political force that has a open and fair view on the future and society. There is a lot to win for liberals in Europe!

The activities to support our liberal counterparts in the Central, Eastern and Southeastern part of Europe have always been a priority of the International Office of the VVD. For years we worked with liberals in several countries who in the end joined the European Union in 2004. Currently our borders moved further East and partnerships are developed from Belarus to Macedonia, to support liberal parties and liberal initiatives in these countries.

We sincerely hope that we will meet at coming ELDR events like the Council in Brussels or the Congress in Barcelona or at events organized by Liberal International.

Yours sincerely,

Willem van Haersma Buma
VVD International Office
The Netherlands