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Liberálové.CZ / Liberals.CZ

Liberalism offers solutions!

  • Free market with flats
  • Private education
  • Decriminalization of ALL opinions
  • Rational approach to ALL addictive substances
  • Legalization of euthanasia
  • Nine ministries instead of fourteen
  • No more funding for political parties
  • Direct elections of mayors
  • Reduction of corruption through transparency in different processes
  • Abolition of inheritance tax and of gift tax
  • Private Czech railways, Czech post, Czech radio a television
  • Income taxes and VAT - 15%
  • Selling residence permits and working permissions to foreigners
  • Abolition of so called "Beneš decrees"


The effective and progressive liberal party in the Czech Republic

Since we believe in standard methods of political activity and we are convinced that free competition of political parties is the most significant way of political influence, we founded the Liberal Reform Party (LiRA/Liberals CZ) in 2002 – in November 2008 changed the name to Liberals.CZ.

  • We think it is reasonable to live in a free and open-minded society and in a society, which is governed by the rule of law
  • We want to prepare, support and advocate liberal reforms
  • We want to work towards political success on our own or together with close subjects
  • We support candidates with similar aims
  • Our political party wants to be effective, flexible and viable community, open to all supporters

Four pillars of our political programme

  • Freedom of conscience, expression, business and movement
  • Sense in the size, the form and expenses of the government
  • Justice in protection of private ownership, freedom of contracting, reasonable time in court procedures
  • Tolerance of other people´s opinions and of diversity

Liberals.CZ - introducing liberal issues in Czech politics

Liberals.CZ was established at the start of the year 2002 by a group of young Czech liberals and already in the first year of its existence marked a major success with the nomination of rector of Masaryk University in Brno prof. Jiří Zlatuška, who became the first Senator in the Czech Parliament for Liberals CZ. His mandate ended in October 2008. Jiří Zlatuška was a member of ALDE Group during the common session in Strasbourg in 2008.

That first year the same group of people, who founded the Party also founded liberal think-tank Institute of Karel Havlíček Borovský, with the aim to promote principles of liberalism. Since then the Institute has published a number of studies on reform of the Czech Army, Czech education system and an Introduction to Liberalism. The Institute also publishes monthly MyWay.

In the year 2006, Liberals.CZ cooperated with a list of candidates, that gained five representatives and two town councillors in Brno, second biggest city in the Czech Republic. The members and supporters of the Party periodically write articles in major Czech newspapers, where they state their opinions and viewpoints on current topics in Czech politics.

By all these self-funded activities, Liberals.CZ actively promotes liberalism in the Czech society and will continue to do so in the future.

Cooperation with ELDR: representatives of the Party took part in the Annual Congresses of ELDR in Bratislava (2006), Berlin (2007) and Stockholm (2008). We also published the Czech translations of the programme of ELDR before the European elections in 2004. Our representatives formed part of the list of candidates created by the Union of Liberal democrats during the European elections in 2004.